a writer's blog

Get Ready for a Bicycle Tour of Los Santos

GTBike V

GTBike V

Working through my backlog of unread articles and blog post, I came across this one from early April.

I’m neither very deep into the GTA series, nor do I own a smart bike trainer, or even a non-smart bike trainer. (I prefer either running or cruising along on my kickboard; I just don’t enjoy cycling that much.)

Still, this is pretty cool. If you have a smart bike trainer or cycling power meter, you can connect it with GTBike V to GTA V and spend your training sessions cycling through Los Santos. And you can even invite your friends for a group ride!

The list of trainer, hardware, and software requirements is here. It’s like Zwift, the massively multiplayer online training program for cycling and running, but way cooler.

Now, if you could do this in other games, or even in any game with a standardized protocol, I’d buy a smart bike trainer this instant and go for a bike ride in Night City, the Exclusion Zone, the Continent, Shoshone National Forest, and dozens of other locales, up to and including Unreal and Quake maps of yore.


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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