The “Journal” and “Download” sections for my book companion site at are up and filled with things.
I wrapped everything up. What had been missing in particular were the download packages, as promised inside the book.
The first package, the illustrations, I uploaded in September. The second package, the checklists and documentation objectives, I uploaded today. The latter took me longer than expected; I had to make myself familiar first with Affinity Publisher 2 and then with Nitro PDF Pro for the form fields. (With the exception of publisher proofs, Adobe can take a hike on the moon, together with Microsoft.)
Here’s the link to the download section. Both packages are available in various formats: the illustrations in 72dpi RPG PNG and 300dpi CMYK JPG, both as individual images and as PDFs, and the checklists & documentation objectives as interactive online PDF and for print in 300dpi CMYK and 300dpi grayscale.
That’s it. I will, of course, keep the companion site’s Journal and Addenda sections busy and drop and news events at my Routledge Featured Authors page and write toots and skeets and blog posts and such. But it’s wrap.
It’s been a very long journey.
Now I can take a break and then focus on my next book! 🙏🥂💃
If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!