Tag Archive for ‘temes & transitions’

R.I.P. Steve Jobs, R.I.P Ralph Steinman: Two Great Men and Victims of Pancreatic Cancer
Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011 | Ralph Steinman, 1943 – 2011

Inside the iPhone 5: How Apple Lost Its Magic
More than just an embarrassing misstep, this disastrous move shows that finally Apple has lost its magic.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Growth
Economic growth is not the only story in town about growth, but the one most often told. Plus, depleting our resources is an effect, not the cause of our woes.

A Day Made of Glass: Say Hello to the Eloi!
Waiter, can I have my future a bit rougher, and a little more gritty? I mean, like, the way it looks outside?

The Economic Narrative and the Fiction of Fairness
The notion that somebody is “gaming the system” is a paranoid but convenient fiction that keeps us from realizing how broken everything really is.

Ghostwriters Evolved
If we can’t fix our educational system soon, we will take the path of the ancient Mycenaeans, marveling at technological artifacts we can no longer create, or use.

How “Hubris Kills” and “The Speed-Up Speeds Up”: Syd Mead on Blade Runner, Transportation, and Biotechnology
Visual futurist Syd Mead reflecting upon the nature of creativity and how it drives the future.

It Was a Bright Cold Day in December, and the Clocks Were Striking Thirteen. #JMStV
Germany, are you fucking kidding me?

#TWAA10 Congress: The World After Advertising
The first “The World After Advertising” Congress at the Düsseldorfer Rheinterrasse did exceptionally well on all fronts.

Pen-&-Paper RPG Creators & Gamers Raise $62K for Pakistan Flood Relief
What amazes me most is that there’s still so many pen-and-paper RPG gamers around.

The Life That You Love Is the Life That You Fear
Take the Social Web, RFID, and a brand people can identify with, and combine everything into a world that’s every bit as exciting as it is frightening in its prospects.

#Next10 Conference—Three Leaps Into Social Media: Stowe Boyd
On Stowe Boyd’s presentation “Social Media Blur: Blogs, Networks, Streams” at the Next10 Conference in Berlin, May 11–12, 2010.

“We Are Living in a Science Fiction Novel That We All Collaborate On”
Footage from Kim Stanley Robinson at the “Competing Cosmologies, Effecting Worlds: Intersections of Science and Religion” event at Duke University, NC.

#Next10 Conference—Power Struggle and Choosing the Right Channel: Stefana Broadbent
On Stefana Broadband’s presentation “Power Struggle and Choosing the Right Channel” at the Next10 Conference in Berlin, May 11–12, 2010.

#Next10 Conference—Giant Leaps, Small Steps: The Post-Purchase Dissonance of the “Game Changing” Chord
An introductory review of the Next10 Conference in Berlin, May 11–12, 2010, and its motto “Game Changers.”

Welcome—to My Real Home!
The idea of “digital natives” makes much more sense if applied to people who actually live in the digital media.

Digitale Darmentwicklung
Cute little Japanese ad for a camera from Takara Tomi which, well, can produce its printed photographs itself.

Would the Real Mock-Up Please Stand Up!
Just after I wrote about the Houston Space Center’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab, boston.com’s Big Picture series put a brand new photograph online.