Und zwar als “Ghostcommenters”, in diesem Fall jedoch ganz lupenrein im Sinne von Detlef Gürtlers vorgeschlagenem Synonym auf Wortistik [leider offline], nämlich »Spammer«. Allerdings vermutlich nicht für 30–70 ct. pro Kommentar, sondern eher für $70–90 (oder EUR) pro Stunde im Rahmen der viralen Granatenidee einer Agentur.
Joel Johnson schreibt auf Boing Boing Gadgets:
Motorola, could you please tell your viral marketer to get out of our comments?
In John’s post about Steve Jobs’ purported tantrum, a commenter “MGOODE08” made this remark:
I’m so glad my boss isn’t like that! I’m working with Motorola right now, and became a huge fan of the Krave (motorola.com/krave). I especially like the full touch screen display and html web browser. It’s awesome!
On the 14th, he made this comment:
Oh man this looks awesome! I hope they release a version for the Krave by Motorola. Ever since I started working with Motorola I have became a huge fan of the phone (motorola.com/krave). With a full list of features, like a full touch screen, I can’t stop obsessing over it.
“M Goode” loves this phone so much that he posted this at GigaOm:
This is a very good idea. I think it could be applied to any phones with a similar format. Ever since I started working with Motorola I have become a huge fan of the Krave. It has some of the same features, and I think a built in micropayment system would be great. It’s a fairly new phone, so if you haven’t seen it yet it’s online at motorola.com/krave. I wonder if they will jump on the bandwagon when/if a micropayment system is implemented.
When he’s not on tech sites, though, “M Goode” loves to relax with a good game:
I wish this game would get released for a mobile gaming platform, especially the Krave. I have been a fan of this franchise since it’s first release, and would love to have it on a cell phone, especially the krave. Ever since I started working with Motorola, I have become a huge fan of the krave. Has anyone else seen it? (motorola.com/krave) It’s so loaded with features, most important of which is the full touch screen layout. It’s DEFINITELY worth checking out.
Und so weiter und so fort. Joel Johnson kommentiert:
“Follow the money,” they say, but in this case we don’t have to, because all we have to do is follow the link. Motorola, if you could be so kind as to tell your viral marketer to fuck right off we’d sure appreciate it. Perhaps you could spend the money instead on making your phones something that people actually want to buy.
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