a writer's blog

My Personal Heroes, Teil 1

David Abbott

David Abbott

David Abbott

I also write down in the margins all the clichés and purple bits that clutter my head. I find that only by writing them down do I exorcise them. If I simply try to forget them they keep coming back like spots on a teenage chin.

Like many other copywriters, I read my copy out aloud as I write. It helps me check the rhythm of the line and ultimately the flow of the whole piece. I often adopt the appropriate accent or tone, though my general ‘reading–copy’ voice is laughably mid-Atlantic (I read silently if there are other people in the room).

I believe that I’m paid to be an advocate and though I get pleasure from the bon mot, the bon motivater thrills me more. Word–play is fine if it helps the cause but I use it sparingly, or not at all.

Ein Arbeitsbeispiel, mit Kommentar, für Chivas Regal:

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It’s a risky ad and, for some people, it’s sentimental but I know others who say that it vividly echoes their own experience. Incidentally, if you try to write a headline for this ad, you’ll discover why it doesn’t have one.

Crompton, Alastair and Ian White (Eds.). The Copy Book. Crans-Près-Céligny, CH: RotoVision, 2001. S.10, 13.

If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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  1. between drafts | Voll die Komiker