Tag Archive for ‘habitats’

Apple Vision Pro: Welcome to the Latest Turn of the Media Convergence Revolution
“Spatial computing device” means a lot more than you think.

Sending My Facebook Pages to /dev/null
I’ll be staying on Facebook with my personal page, but delete all of my Facebook pages.

“Insure copyright. All other considerations secondary. Culture expendable.” — How It Wasn’t Bots That Killed the Hugo Awards
Imagine our culture as the Nostromo.

Uploading Your Brain “The Winter Market”-Style? Not soonish!
PZ Myers is the wet towel in our echo chambers of grandiose ideas.

From Prosthetic Memory to Cities to #OWS to Time Machines: Terrific TV Interview with William Gibson
“The only real time machine is just getting older. It’s very slow, but eventually—it eventually gets you to the 21st century. Or the 22nd.”

Quick, Catch a Glimpse of the New World Order!
I’d say reality has already become a science fiction movie, and what we all still think of as the present is in reality the past.

More Days of Glass: Why “Future Vision” Concepts Like These Are Useless at Best (and Misleading at Worst)
Microsoft and RIM: more future visions for the digital-age Eloi. Is it so hard to sketch a world where innovative technologies work for real people?

Jeff Jarvis vs. Evgeny Morozov: Public Parts vs. Publicisaurus Rex
Not afraid of Freud, Morozov deploys the term ”intellectual” a record 23 times like a cohort of thugs.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs, R.I.P Ralph Steinman: Two Great Men and Victims of Pancreatic Cancer
Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011 | Ralph Steinman, 1943 – 2011

The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Growth
Economic growth is not the only story in town about growth, but the one most often told. Plus, depleting our resources is an effect, not the cause of our woes.

A Day Made of Glass: Say Hello to the Eloi!
Waiter, can I have my future a bit rougher, and a little more gritty? I mean, like, the way it looks outside?

The Economic Narrative and the Fiction of Fairness
The notion that somebody is “gaming the system” is a paranoid but convenient fiction that keeps us from realizing how broken everything really is.

Ghostwriters Evolved
If we can’t fix our educational system soon, we will take the path of the ancient Mycenaeans, marveling at technological artifacts we can no longer create, or use.

How “Hubris Kills” and “The Speed-Up Speeds Up”: Syd Mead on Blade Runner, Transportation, and Biotechnology
Visual futurist Syd Mead reflecting upon the nature of creativity and how it drives the future.

It Was a Bright Cold Day in December, and the Clocks Were Striking Thirteen. #JMStV
Germany, are you fucking kidding me?

#TWAA10 Congress: The World After Advertising
The first “The World After Advertising” Congress at the Düsseldorfer Rheinterrasse did exceptionally well on all fronts.