Tag Archive for ‘gadgetry’

Wait, Did I Really Wear a Watch in My Teens? (Revealing Photo Unearthed)
There were many reasons to wear a watch, and it was never really about Time. With smart watches, or Apple Watch, that might change.

The Inception Tool: “Planting the Idea Into the Memory of the Machine That Every Password is Correct”
Most late postmodernity-flavored exploitation tool ever.

Inside the iPhone 5: How Apple Lost Its Magic
More than just an embarrassing misstep, this disastrous move shows that finally Apple has lost its magic.

Digitale Darmentwicklung
Cute little Japanese ad for a camera from Takara Tomi which, well, can produce its printed photographs itself.

Would the Real Mock-Up Please Stand Up!
Just after I wrote about the Houston Space Center’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab, boston.com’s Big Picture series put a brand new photograph online.