Tag Archive for ‘remixes’

Another Comp Copy Arrived!
Narratives Crossing Boundaries: Storytelling in a Transmedial and Transdisciplinary Context

Xenotransplantation: Check.
“Human trials could begin within two to three years of tissue taken from specially bred pigs to help the millions of sufferers from diabetes, brain diseases and blindness.”

Mashup Culture: The Amazing Aliens Rap
Both Robocop and T2:Judgment Day are terrific movies I’ve watched a kazillion times. But Aliens, for me that’s in a whole different ballpark.

Emoticon-Storytelling—No, really!
There’s no medium in which it would be impossible to tell a story, but sometimes it might be just too difficult. Or could emoticons become a native language?

The Latest Internet Meme: “Literal Music Videos”
Make your own voice track to to narrate the visual story in music clips instead of the original lyrics.