a writer's blog

Hi, Ripley. This is Lieutenant Gorman of the… SLAM.

And hell, these are tough hombres … nothing they can’t handle.

And hell, these are tough hombres … nothing they can’t handle.


I won’t tell right now, but I found a name for the military outfit that’s going to play a major part in my Cargo series! I’ve been looking for a name for a long time—something that hasn’t been used, or at least overused, already; something which sounds cool and believable; and something where the military-style abbreviation also comes decently across. Okay, it doesn’t beat Colonial Marines, but still! It’s cool, it’s appropriate, and it’s believable what I came up with … while a was sweating in a Turkish bath.

Now, the copy writer in me eagerly wants to sketch a small sample chapter to get this name into action, distribute it to a handful of test readers, under some pretext, and check out what happens. See whether the name sparks a reaction, and if it does, if it’s the right reaction.

Well, come to think of it—yeah! That’s exactly what I should do.


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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