a writer's blog

Some Good News, Some Bad News from the Nano Front



Okay, bad news first: my series I submitted to Green Tentacle doesn’t suit their needs. wrote, “What I’m really looking for is a series that takes place over the course of a month.” I’m not entirely sure what he means by that, but we will find out soon I guess. If you aren’t following yet, do so now and get your daily dose of nanofantasy & nanoscifi!

Anyways, I won’t publish my series on (a twilot & 13 twepisodes) because that’s not the right thing to do. It’s always a bad idea to start self-publishing rejected texts that were intended for submission—it’s not a professional thing to do, and it isn’t psychologically healthy either. Also, it’s the “nanonovelist,” not the “nanoserialist.” (Granted, I did reserve that either—but the whys and hows I’ll come back to in a later post.)

Alright, so what’s the good news? I sort of finished my little murder mystery which, I don’t know how this always happens, again turned out to be a bit more bloodier than I would have expected. I still have to write the blurb and an author’s note, but my next nanonovel is on its way and should be online by Wednesday, at the latest.


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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