a writer's blog

Yeah, done. We’re open.



Extensive bug hunt commenced last weekend, hopefully all bugs have been squashed. Some glitches might surface, still. Hey, this is WordPress! And a theme, and a child theme, and a kazillion code changes and plugins to boot.

But yeah, it’s done. We’re open! And I did it for you, so go and browse stuff.

Update DEC 14, 2009 | 22:00:
Contact form fixed. Again.
Update DEC 14, 2009 | 22:45:
Interference btw Shadowbox and Fancybox in MSIE fixed.
Update DEC 14, 2009 | 23:15:
CSS bug (or MSIE bug?) for titles display in Fancybox fixed.
Update DEC 24, 2009 | 15:00:
Updated to WordPress 2.9, updated plug-ins
Another extensive bughunt, some fixes
MSIE8 does funny things with Shadowbox Overlay, not fixable
Update DEC 24, 2009 | 17:00:
Massive Tweaking of Twitter Widget’s CSS & PHP code
Switch from Badge to Widget, speeds up blog loading time hundredfold
Update DEC 25, 2009 | 16:30:
Fixed Slide-JS in Tabs Slide 1.7
Fixed Page-Nav Subtitles for FF3.5 (strange CSS import-URL behavior)


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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