a writer's blog

Stoffhäschen-Sonntag (26)

plush bunnyisms

plush bunnyisms

Gute Bunny-News (Pinterest), traurige Bunny-News (Thistle). Alle kleinen Stoffhäschen drücken die Pfötchen.

Zuerst die guten Bunny-News: das “Bunny Board” von Simone Ewenz auf Pinterest [Update: nicht mehr online], gefunden via Markus. Mein Favorit bislang, “Dust Bunny”:

Dust Bunny

“And from the Dust, the Bunnies Shall Rise”

Original auf cute overload [RIP]

Die traurigen Bunny-News: Thistle (bisher zu Thistle siehe hier und hier):


Nicht allerdings, daß das etwas Neues wäre: wie viele Leben hat ein Hase? Zu Thistle’s sechs oder sieben Leben Chris’ must-read Blogpost, “Thistle, Again” vom Januar auf Coyote Crossing [RIP]. Kostprobe:

A rabbit is an abundantly self-replicating machine designed to turn plant material into turds. It’s what they do, except when they don’t and then they die instead. Shut down a rabbit’s digestive tract for more than a couple days and it’ll never start up again. It is my job to keep that fire lit, and to that end I have been shoveling fuel into him like a locomotive fireman with a pile of cilantro-flavored coal.

Update: “Desperately hope I’m wrong about this.” | Yes, let’s hope.
Update: “Goodbye.” | “Thistle—Rabbit, Lover, Hero”


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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