a writer's blog

The Search for Our Beginning Could Lead to Our End: First Prometheus Teaser Poster

the one and twenty

the one and twenty


By now, I guess, everybody’s caught the first Prometheus trailer. But a couple days before that, the first official teaser poster had been released. And it’s awesome:

Prometheus Teaser Poster

click to embiggen

But wait! June 8? They can’t be serious! Are we supposed to wait that long? It must be a cruel joke. Haha, very funny. We had a blast. Now tell me the real release date, please…


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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1 Response

  1. I’ve seen the trailer! It may be a little Alien-esque but I’m not complaining here. Something to look forward to next year!