a writer's blog

Stoffhäschen-Sonntag (7)

plush bunnyisms

plush bunnyisms

Can dangerous microbes become cute and cuddly? Try adding plush.

My little plush bunnies aren’t entirely sure yet whether to approve or not approve of these Giant Plush Microbes, posted on Thinkgeek [RIP].

Giant Plush Microbes (a selection
BookwormCoughToxic MouldMalariaSyphilis

But these, of course, my plush bunnies wholeheartedly endorse!
BrainstemBeer YeastSpermRed Blood CellWhite Blood Cell

(White Blood Cells can be dangerous, though. Don’t try them at home.)


Und wer nicht genug bekommen kann: Nicht Plüsch, aber Flausch, gibt es Sonntags regelmäßig bei Stefan Niggemeier.


If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!

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