Chris canislatrans Clarke, who blogs over at Coyote Crossing [RIP], is a natural history and environmental writer, editor, and photographer, and also the author of Walking With Zeke.
Last week’s #FollowFriday, he tweeted:
I love that. I could envision a terrific personal logo designed around that, like the Marine Corps logo, only better, and I could wear it on my t-shirts.
Also, it reminded me of something I’d almost completely forgotten—back in the days when I hacked my way into Atari hardware & software (computers, not video game consoles), I used to go by the alias of “The Snark.” My, oh my. On the other hand, come to think of it, it seems like only yesterday when I learned the Motorola 68000 exceptions and interrupts by heart from badly xeroxed pages.
Oh wait… wasn’t this supposed to be a German language category? Well yes. Maybe I ought to sue me.
If you have something valuable to add or some interesting point to discuss, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you at Mastodon!