a writer's blog

Tanel Toom’s Last Sentinel

Last Sentinel

Last Sentinel

Last Sentinel, Germany 2023. Directed by Tanel Toom, written by Malachi Smyth.

Bambi Theater 2, Row 2, Seat 5. Original version.

(This post originally appeared, in slightly different form, at my Instagram account betweendrafts.)

Not everything in Last Sentinel makes sense screenplay-wise, but all in all, it’s surprisingly entertaining. Its running time—three minutes shy of two hours—is fine. As in games, I love to just “be there” even if nothing (or not a lot) happens as long as the world itself is interesting. Plus, setting, characters, and plot have perfect pen-&-paper role-playing game vibes.

When the movie started, it turned out to be the dubbed version, so I went out and complained and they switched to the original version and started again. (It’s a German production, but the movie was filmed and produced in English.) No other patron had been bothered by it, it appeared, which was baffling. The “German” title of Last Sentinel, by the way, is Last Contact because Germany is in so many ways an idiot country.

The original copy then, for some reason or other, didn’t quite fill up the space of the screen. But as it was well focused and I sat in the first row with my nose pressed against it anyway, I refrained from complaining and having them reset or refocus everything again.

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