Common knowledge, and often among the main rationales for developing simulation games, is that wrapping entertainment around course material will boost motivation.
Complete Archive
Learning with Your Body
I think the peripatetics got it right.
A Design Paradigm for Serious Games
While Gunter et al.’s paper is not a rigorously written research study, we can still extract its basic idea and expand on it.
The Trouble with Game-Based Learning Research
With their often defensively positioned arguments and study designs, game-based learning proponents paint themselves into a corner.
Operation Play
Worth checking out. I almost missed this.
“Educators Had the Right to Feel a Little Freaked Out”
Microsoft’s never been education-centric, to say the least, and Minecraft is huge in game-based education across STEM.
Learning “Trust” With Co-op Games
When “Trust” as an educational objective has to take dynamically changing contexts into account, most serious game mechanics are not even close to being useful.
Teacher Survey: Digital Games in Class
Impressive, but I wonder whether tablets are particulary suited for collaborative game-based learning (which playing games in the classroom was all about in the first place).
“LEGO’s Girl Problem Starts with Management” Indeed
LEGO should be ashamed. And the whole videogame industry suffers from the same problem.
A Huge Potential with a Capital “B”
At the Joburg Serious Games Conference, Ernest W. Adams mentioned “stealth learning” as a very effective way to convey a specific message in a serious game.
Ready to Go, But Not Yet Publishing
just drafts is one part newsticker with commentary on game industry matters, and one part regular blog about game-based learning, education in general, and LLM/GPT/AI research in particular.